
Statistical Learning Syllabus

MATH 455/555 - 01

Fall 2024

Section TR, 3:30-4:50, Boswell 302


Dr. Hunt

Jones 125

Office Hours:

Tues 2-3:30 PM Weds 9-10AM, 2-3 PM

*These office hours are combined with other courses.

Grade Breakdown

category percentage
datacamp 10%
QPs 25%
midterm 25%
final project writeup 10%
final project presentation 5%
final 25%

Important Dates/Times

purpose date/time
last day to add/drop Monday Sept. 9th
midterm Thursday Oct 17th in class
last day to withdraw Monday Oct. 28th
final 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday Dec. 9th


Information for the course can be found on blackboard or on github


Lectures are Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will post a .pdf of the lectures from each class. Attendance is not required.


There is no required book for this course. The course material is broadly based upon the following two books. They are standard books in the field and highly suggested, but not required.

  1. Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshriani and Friedman: https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/

This is an advanced undergraduate/masters level book. My lectures will follow along with these topics to a certain extent. This book is freely available online. I’ll post relevant sections of this book one should consider reading.

  1. An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R by James, Witten, Hastie and Tibshirani: https://www.statlearning.com/

This is a more undergraduate-friendly text. Again, this is freely available online.

Office Hours

Office hours will be held in person in my office at the place/times posted above. Additionally, I am happy to meet by appointment, send me an email.

Datacamp Assignments (DCs)

We’ll have programming assignments on datacamp. A free account can be signed up for (see the Blackboard announcement). In total, datacamp assignments will be worth 10% of the final grade. These assignments will be posted throughout the course and due a week after posted at 11:59 PM EST.

Quiz Problems (QPs)

Approximately most weeks I will post a quiz problem (QP) that will be due the following week either Tues or Thurs at 11:59 PM EST. The quiz problem will be graded. In total, your grades on the quiz problems will account for 25% of your final grade. The QPs are intended to be completed alone so do not discuss them with your peers.

QPs will be submitted on Blackboard under the appropriate assignment. No late submissions will be accepted for QPs. If they are not submitted on blackboard by 11:59 a zero will be entered for the grade. If there are extenuating circumstances and you cannot submit the problem, please let me know in advance ASAP.

Suggested Problems (SPs)

Additionally I will post a selection of suggested problems along with solutions (on blackboard). You are highly encouraged to do these problems as just doing just the one quiz problem will not be enough to prepare you for the midterm and final.


There will one midterm in class during the normal lecture time. This midterm is at the date in the table above. The midterm will account for 25% of the grade.


There will be a final written exam worth 25% of the grade at the date given above.

Final Project

In addition, there will be a group project with presentations and writeup. The presentations will be during the last two lectures times of the course. The final project writeup will account for 10% of the final grade and the presentation to the class will account for 5% of the final grade.


Mental and Physical Well Being

William & Mary recognizes that students have many different responsibilities and can face challenges that make learning difficult. There are many resources available at W&M to help students. Asking for help is a sign of courage and strength. Please reach out to me if you or someone you know are facing problems inside or outside the classroom, and I will do my best to guide you to appropriate resources on campus. Those resources include:

Students Accessibility Services

William & Mary accommodates students with disabilities in accordance with federal laws and university policy. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a learning, psychiatric, physical, or chronic health diagnosis should contact Student Accessibility Services staff at 757-221-2512 or at sas@wm.edu to determine if accommodations are warranted and to obtain an official letter of accommodation. http://www.wm.edu/sas

William & Mary Honor Code

The college has had an honor code since at least 1779. Academic integrity is at the heart of the university, and we all are responsible for upholding the ideals of honor and integrity.” Please remind yourself of your responsibilities by reading the Student Handbook www.wm.wdu/studenthandbook and our Honor Code (www.wm.edu/honor).

Class Recordings

Meetings of this course might/will be recorded. Recordings will be available only to students registered for this class. This is intended to supplement the classroom experience. Students are expected to follow appropriate university policies and maintain the security of passwords used to access recorded lectures. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online environments; violations may be subject to disciplinary action. If the instructor or a William & Mary office plans any other uses for the recordings, beyond this class, students identifiable in the recordings will be notified to request consent prior to such use.

Grading Scale

Letter grades are assigned using the following table:

percentage letter grade
>= 93 A
>=90 and <93 A-
>=87 and <90 B+
>=83 and <87 B
>=80 and <83 B-
>=77 and <80 C+
>=73 and <77 C
>=70 and <73 C-
>=67 and <70 D+
>=63 and <67 D
>=60 and <63 D-
< 60 F